Mad Men Fashion Reigns in 2010

Among adults 25 to 54, the Mad Men TV show grew 26% according to AMC officials. Average household income was well over $100,000 making this series the most popular of the "white collar" population. And it's no small wonder scarpe manolo blahnik the jewelry of 2010 is somewhat of a twisted mirror image of this era.

While the hippie generation was psyching out, there was the forgotten club for playboys that had a dress code that was strictly "men only". Men are joining the fun with crisp white shirts and cuff links to cover the tattoos during the day. Don't go too crazy with the diamonds though, or you could become "bling" again and lose your "Mad Men" momentum.

You could wear Grandma's clip-on earrings and be the talk of the office! Clip on earrings are being used to cover those gauges of which the young thought manolo blahnik scarpe would never grow tired. Now there are jewelry pieces that replicate the 60's trend for pierced ears as well. White pearls are a necessity as well as the tailored Houndstooth pattern dress with the little bow on the collar. Feel free to once again, match your earrings with your necklace. Closed toe, closed heel pumps should be dusted and shined before adding them to your pencil skirt, tight sweater and cardigan.

To research more about the 60's fashion trends, be sure to rent some of these TV classics from your local library: The Doris Day Show, My Three Sons, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Perry Mason, The Fugitive

(If you have a voluptuous figure, this is your lucky day! Christina Hendricks has paved the way for the 'buxom bosoms' of old to thrive in the new century. You need not throw away the vintage jewelry that has been gathering dust in your trinket box. Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield and Mae West would be proud!)

Fashion Tip:

Always keep a pair of heels the color of your hair as this will go with any dress, suit or jeans. With different shoe colors and shades, it is easy to over-extend your budget with shoe expenses that could limit your collection. With shoes manolo blahnik italia match your hair color, you will always have a chic addition to your outfit.


Par bestfashionshop le mardi 14 septembre 2010


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